Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

We had a nice Father's Day celebration.  Laina and I created a bunch of fun lobster themed gifts for Joe and the last gift he opened was a certificate for an afternoon out on a lobster boat pulling traps!  He was very excited!!  We had heart shaped pancakes for breakfast and had a relaxing day together (lobster boat ride will be another day).  We love you so so much Daddy. You are just the best Father a little girl could wish for and I love how you take care of us so well!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cory's Grad Party

Wow, did my little nephew really graduate from High School? Congrats Cory!  Laina LOVES hanging out with you!!

Final Tball Game

And what better way to celebrate a great season than with a medal, a cupcake and a good friend!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Father's Day Prep

As part of our Father's Day gift to Joe, Laina and I made him this really cool apron. Laina sewed her first official button today! I love how much she is concentrating on it!