Saturday, April 30, 2011

Laina's Bowl-A-Thon

Laina participated in the bowl-a-thon for her acting company ADAM and had a blast. First she had to raise money to participate. Her goal was to raise $100.  We sent out a letter from Laina and a letter from me to all our close friends and family explaining why Laina was involved in ADAM and why we needed to raise money for ADAM to stay open.  The donations started rolling in.  Laina raised an amazing $400 for her acting company! Every time a donation came in the mail, she was so excited. It was a great lesson for her to learn that the money she had asked for was not for her - but for someone else. Then came the day to bowl and all the kids had to dress in costume. Laina decided to dress as supergirl and and she did a SUPER job knocking down the pins!  What a fun time.

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