Saturday, May 7, 2011

A star is born!

Big night for the fabulous Miss Laina! We attended her award ceremony for her acting company.  First was started off by getting Laina's hair done by our awesome hairdresser Jaime. She curled Laina's hair and she just looked so adorable and grown up!  Then we headed off to have a quick dinner and then to the ceremony.  All the kids walked in on the red carpet just like during the real Academy's.  They were interviewed about their role and experience right on the red carpet. The little kids took this all very seriously. It was adorable. The parents and family were all lined up on either side of the red velvet rope acting as "paparazzi" which was not a stretch at all for me!

Laina won two awards. The first award she received with her friend Lauren. The two girls played Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum in the Alice in Wonderland Play. They won the award for the best "tableau" which is their ability to freeze like a statute and not move. Later in the night Laina won the award for raising the most money during the bowling fundraiser!  She was so excited to be called up on stage. I took a small video clip of Ms. Ronda telling everyone about how much money Laina raised and how she wrote thank you notes to all her donors and Laina has probably watched that video 47 times in 2 days. I'm so completely thrilled for her. What a fun evening. On the ride home she sat in her car seat and said "well that was fun!"

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